The solution is the resonance, a form of relationship with a human, an idea or a thing: when we relate to something that moves us we start moving ourselves, and with that we change. We feel the resonance when, between consonance (agreement) and discordance (disagreement), we feel in contact with the world.
Ugo Rondinone is a Swiss artist, his installation “Seven Magic Mountains” consists of 7 totems made of stones, painted in bright colors. It left me without breath when I saw it for the first time this morning, in a post by Saatchi Gallery, and my surprise was even bigger when I saw it again, this afternoon, as a the image along this article-interview to the German sociologist and philosopher.
After reading the article I consulted an anthology about philosophy that I keep in my library and I read about Pascal and the impossibility, for mankind, to stay alone in one room.
Well I was alone in my living room, laying on the couch, when I read all this, and I was having a very good time.
It inspired me to share some thoughts with my friend A., who I tryed to call in vain yesterday. Writing an email was better, I had the time to organize my thoughts and I enjoy writing a lot lately.
Today I was cleaning the cellar, I realized that I have less shit than I thought, but a lot more diaries than I imagined. You could not pay me enough to read more than two pages of them all, I recall the writing of them as a torture of boringness that I was inflicting to myself. I am a nostalgic by nature and perpetuating a ritual that I had started in 1982 seemed reassuring. I was able to stop the sacrifice when I finally realized that there was nothing worthy in the contest of my days, it just made my everyday life look like a pathetic sad repetition.